1301 E. Missouri St. - Evansville, Indiana 47711 - Office (812) 424-8968
Herbal Medicine: ARK Veterinary Services Inc. offers traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is just that: Medicine. Single herb therapy, such as used in Western Herbology, can yield amazing results in treating an excessive condition; but the thousands of years of active knowledge that combine for developing an herbal remedy using TCVM is simply eloquent. The herbs combine to tailor to the specific needs of the individual animal, condition, age, and even the time of the year. As opposed to the current pharmaceutical industry that treats the patient as one of a sample that responds to a treatment for excessive symptoms (signs), Chinese herbals help to build up the animal's defense and help the animal to reset to a balance of optimum health. There is no treating side effects, as a side effect leads the practitioner to reevaluate the patient to determine what condition has now emerged to be supported. Often this new condition was buried or masked by the illness. Customizing an herbal therapy requires a full evaluation and these needs can change as the animal returns to optimum health.